Not only manage your hours, but also your bills in regards to your teams and projects. Manage future costs and budgets by making use of subscription settings. With Hour Pendulum you sure you have all your costs in one place and it allows you to quickly look up previous invoices from suppliers to avoid double costs.
Keep track of your favorite projects. See how far the project is and if it is still within budget. Communicate and manage with tasks to ensure your project is in time.
Set per project who your customer(s) are. How are they going to pay for the project? Percentage wise? Fixed costs? You name it. Automatically get reminded to send an invoice and follow-up on sent invoices. Easily add costs on basis of your activity or use free line descriptions.
Keep up to date about all your KPI’s: what has a project costs us? How much did we earn with the project? How is this per resource? Is everyone up to date with their hour sheets? No more suprises.
Got more than 1 team internally or externally working on a project? Or do you need to split the invoice to multiple business units? With Hour Pendulum you can easily manage this per project.
It’s easy. Sign up today and start your free trial. No strings attached.
We don’t even ask you for your credit card details.
The first 30 days you can enjoy all features free of charge.
Hour Pendulum is also available for free for lifetime for teams up to 3 projects.